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Buzz & Jenna

2nd Run Edits

Disc #18


(June/July 1997)

In Jeffrey’s room, Jeffrey happily reveals to a “shocked” Jenna that Starla had once conned Buzz. Harley reveals to Buzz about how Mallet had been cheating on her. Harley and Phillip prepare for the dinner party at Jeffrey’s. Buzz makes plans to go to Switzerland to remove the evidence Jeffrey has against Jenna, when Eleni offers to play the role of Jenna. With the help of “Starla,” Jeffrey is able (with the help of a very convincing kiss) to “convince” Phillip to go to New York, but Jeffrey wants to call off the sting when Phillip insist on leaving tonight, until Jenna convinces him otherwise. The group takes off for the airport, as Jenna stays behind to “pack”. Buzz shows up and they share goodbyes, but not before Jenna makes him promise not to follow them to New York. Buzz and Eleni are getting ready to head for Switzerland when Frank almost stops them. Luckily, Levy shows up and Eleni and Buzz are able to get away. Eleni and Buzz make their way to Switzerland. Frank is becoming growingly suspicious. In New York, Jeffrey and “Starla” go over their plan, while Jenna warns a shocked Phillip about his feelings for Harley.

*This disc has promos from the storyline included on the disc*


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