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Buzz & Jenna

2nd Run Edits

Disc #31


(March/April 1998)

Buzz keeps Harley from spilling to Beth what she learned in Arizona. Drew comes into the diner to pump Buzz for information as to where Jesse goes off to every night. When he refuses she challenges him to a game of poker. If he wins she will clean the griddle for him but if she wins he will tell her where Jesse goes. Buzz wins the game, by cheating of course, and then calls Jesse to give him a heads up. Buzz is worried about Jenna being in England so he goes to England to be with her. The next time Buzz is shown on the show (several weeks later) he is getting ready to cater “Reva’s” welcome home party. Buzz becomes suspicious of “Reva” when she acts like she doesn’t know who he is. Harley shows her jealousy when she sees the toy truck that Buzz has made for Coop and makes Buzz feel bad about how he once abandoned her. Buzz’s suspicions about “Reva” continually grow. Cassie and Josh tell Buzz that the reason that “Reva” is acting so strangely is because she had a nervous breakdown. Harley tells Buzz that she and Phillip are through. “Reva” calls Buzz and tells him she will be coming over to tell him who, or rather, what she is. She shows up at the diner and wants him to help her get out of Springfield. She tells him that the real Reva Shayne is dead and she is her clone. Buzz just figures that it is the nervous breakdown talking and calls Josh to come get her. Buzz and Jesse discuss cloning and Jesse gets called away. Buzz realizes that a scar that Reva had gotten on her hand during the time they were married wasn’t there when she came to see him. He goes to the Lewis’ to verify it and while he is there “Reva” gets a call from the real Reva.

There is NO Jenna on this disc {Fiona was on maternity leave}


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