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Jenna Bradshaw Edits
Disc #12

Running Time: 1hr & 4 minutes

DVD Quality: Good/Very Good


(November 24-December 1, 1992)

Vanessa overheard Henry tell Jenna he is her father. Jenna is elated at the news while Vanessa is appalled. Vanessa believes that Jenna tricked him to make him think this but Henry swears to both of them that he is telling the truth. Jenna asks Henry why he never came back for her and her mother. Vanessa is sickened by what she learns. Jenna tells Henry that she will go away if he wants her to but he asks her to stay. Jenna tells a shocked Roger that Henry is her father. Jenna brings Roger to Thanksgiving at the Chamberlain’s. Henry tells Roger he wants to get him away from Jenna. Jenna won’t listen to Henry’s warning about Roger. Little Bill is thrilled to have Jenna as a new aunt. Vanessa is upset that Jenna is included in the family Christmas photo. Little Bill takes the photo and places Jenna beside Henry and makes Vanessa stand. When Vanessa and Henry are home alone he tells her that he is not Jenna’s father. He tells her that Jenna’s real father was a brilliant investor who invented the technology that link computers and oil exploration. But, Brandon father stole her father’s invention and Spaulding has been profiting off of it every since and the reason he lied to Jenna was because the company owes her more money than they have. Billy tells Jenna that Roger almost ruined Henry one time before and warns her to get away from him.


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